Dubai visa status check online by passport number for verifying a UAE/Dubai work permit is original or fake. Dubai is one of the richest countries in the middle east. They import manpower from various countries of all over the world in lawfully by their immigration ministry. More than 2.5 Million people are work in Dubai only from India! Previously UAE government was love to import manpower from Bangladesh. But during from 2014 to till now 2017; The Dubai Immigration Ministry is not importing Bangladeshi worker. Recently they mostly import worker from India, Pakistan and other countries of South Asia without only Bangladesh. So the workers need Dubai Visa Status Check every time before going to the United Arab Emirates. Online Dubai Visa Check is not a hard method. Web Aid Line‘s online visa status checking specialist team has revealed the system of Dubai work permit validity check.
Dubai Visa Status Check By Passport Number
We will introduce you to the official UAE immigration website for checking an work permit visa status by only passport number. But we want to say you clearly that, Passport number is not a required element for online Dubai visa check. You need to know some important information of your visa copy. In below, we will attach a visa copy of Dubai for introducing the visa copy first. Every worker need know more about his visa information. Also, should read our all the articles about Travel n Tourism.
Introducing About A Dubai Visa
Firstly, see a printed work permit visa and then read the full permit paper from header to footer. Here is all the information about the you and your working details such as, Full name, Father’s Name, Nationality, Place of birth, Date of birth, Passport Number, Profession category/working platform, Information about your wife or children, Most important element is Entry Permit Number, UID Number, Your Passport Size Color Photograph, An unique visa barcode and your visa sponsor’s details like company name & address. If you need to check Saudi Visa Status; click on the link.
In the left side of above color print visa permit copy all information in the English language. On another side (right) all the information in Arabic writing language. Read first to last words of your labor card permission paper. It is very important to work. So read carefully through back page also! Under the visa paper there is written Please Turn Over, that means- on another side, some important information has attached also.
How To Check UAE Visa Status Check With Entry Permit Number
Entry Permit number is the most wonderful and easiest option to simply check UAE/Dubai visa status check in online. No need passport number. Every Indian Dubai worker can check his visa status with entry permit number and other some required data. Not only Indians; also other countries. Just go to the official website and fill up a form & submit the form. Within few seconds; Dubai labor card info will uncover and you can check Dubai visa status instantly.
Official Visa Check Form Submitting
Firstly, go to the official visa check link of the authority of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then fill five important data input box before submit the visa check form. See the screenshot.
Every online checker does a huge mistake for checking the immigration documents. They fill nervous and input wrong information. As a result, the status checking online software can’t give you the real information. Because missing data can’t match on the database of the website.
Excellently Submit Dubai Visa Check Online Form
Follow the following furious steps to submitting Dubai Visa Status Check online official from. Carefully read and write your following visa data on the official database’s form. See the above screenshots descriptions.
Select Service To Inquire– Visa Category
Here is for visa categories such as- Entry Permit Validity (appropriate for work visa check), Residence Validity, ednrd Application (Visa Application Status), E-form Application (e-form for new visa application), And The Residence Application Status. Off topic: You should read how to get a Saudi Green Card.
Entering Entry Permit Number– Find this number on visa copy
It is the super important elements for UAE visa status check with entry permit number. There are three parts of an entry permit number. This permit number formate is like XXX / XXXX / XXXXXXX. First three numbers are year’s serial. Second four numbers are an issue year of visa and in the third part contains seven numeric words, this is the main visa application serial number. First, two-part is on the drop-down menu. So select as like your visa. Then select visa year and finally type the last seven numeric words.
Input Gender Information – Be sure again 🙂
Simply enter/select your gender like Male, Female or others as like mentioned on your passport document.
Applicant’s Date Of Birth
Select your date of birth according to your passport. Please carefully select Year, Month and accurate date. In this box, there is no typing method. For accurately Dubai visa status check.
Confirm Nationality- Such as India, Pakistan etc
On your passport, you have a nationality like India or other countries. So select the country (Nationality). This step is another important selection. So go ahead carefully.
Captcha – fill carefully
Captcha is a security systems’ element for every website. If you wrongly input the captcha; you can’t get the real visa information or UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official website will not respond correctly to you.
Click on Submit button – The Final Steps!
Now check all the inputted information once again and finally click on the Submit Button for proceed the visa check task.
How o understand Dubai Visa original or fake?
After submission the form of visa status check; now you will find the visa validity date if your visa is original. If your visa is a fake; the online database can’t find out the visa validity date and give you a wrong visa information.
Dubai Visa Check official Link
The Web Aid Line loves to share the original, furious, real and official visa check link 🙂 Here is your
As our previous Malaysia Visa Status official link related article; we have shared about UAE visa check also! Stay with us for know more about visa status check.
Conclusion for the Guide of Dubai Visa Check
In the part of the conclusion, our visa status checking team management recommended that- “Please Check Your Dubai Visa Status before taking flight“. Don’t pay a single money. Almost all the peoples are made an agreement with the government stamp before going aboard. For you more safety you can make an agreement with your visa office or visa agent also! To get more information about checking a visa status of Dubai/UAE; just drop a comment. Have a good journey at Dubai. Allah Hafiz.
My manpower agency speak that my Dubai Visa is offline Visa that’s why not showing my status online.
Is this possible?
which country you from? go to your country manpower office and start manpower certification. If your visa is fake, your government’s manpower authority will not do your manpower. If your visa is original, they will do manpower of your visa. Thanks for your valuable comment.
Please check this passport number BA4124382 I have apply for uae visa 1 month ago
Dear sir ,
How to get full visa copy of dubai work permit online ?
Hello check my visa. Is it there or not. My passport number is B1325927
How I check abudabhi visa, please?
the topic is fully clearly described
How to check by passport number?
Really I searching such kinds informative contents on the internet. Thank you for the nice support.
official site plz?
With thanks! Valuable information!