It is very easy to make a WordPress website in a second. You have not need to know a single coding even! WordPress is the first choice to make a dynamic and responsive website. But a beginner maybe wrong avoid some important steps after installing WordPress on his server. So let’s go and see them. All the webmaster should follow these steps must, after every time setup the WordPress on a server.
What Should Do After Install WordPress On a Server
Simple 10 steps are required for the WordPress users. We have tried to describe the steps our best. Follow them, let’s go…
#1. Change The Admin UserName
Firstly, change WP default admin username. It should be must be changed. Because all the hackers and peoples know that it is the default username. So they can attack your server. To increase your security, must change the Admin username to a hard username.
#2. Set a Powerful Password
The second and the most important task is that you should change the old password if it is easy or common. Set a wonderful and strong password. You can add some symbols such as ! @ # $ % ^ & + – * / etc for minimum one or one more times. Also should use capital and small letters with minimum a single number (0-9). By this way, anyone can generate the strongest password. And, such kind of password is very hard to find out for a hacking software or a hacker.
#3. Change the Permalink
You can change the default wp permalink as like your choice. Normally, the permalink is selected as dd/mm/yyyy. But it is not an SEO friendly Permalink. World’s most popular SEO experts are recommended the custom or post name permalink.
#4. Delete Unnecessary Plugins
When you install WordPress normally, some plugins are provided automatically. If the plugins are unnecessary for your, just delete them as soon as possible. Because sometimes unnecessary plugins can be slow down your website speed.
#5. Remove Unnecessary WordPress Themes
There are a lot of free WordPress them in the wp theme directory. These themes are usable for free. As a result, most of the newbie users are not remove or delete them after installing them. And, these themes are eating your value CP space. So remove them and make a clean and crisp website.
#6. Adding A Favicon
The icon that appears on the right side of the site’s name in the browser is called Favicon. A Favicon is one of the main element of an authority website. Favicon is an important thing to increase your site’s beauty. If you want to make your site as authority website; you should use the Favicon. Some mobile browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and UC browser etc shows your favicon on the browsing history. So it is important and best for navigation on a browser.
#7. Install Security Plugins
Install the most popular and well-working security plugins. A security plugin can more secure your WordPress website. If you think, you have a lot of enemies; then you need must add the best security plugin.
#8. SEO Plugin
The visitor is the soul of a website. And, SEO is the main element to collecting visitors on a website. So, without SEO you cannot imagine making a popular website. WordPress is the best platform for SEO. There is a lot of best free SEO plugin in the WordPress free plugin directory. Install best one of them. But do not install one more.
#9. Use Social Media Sharing Plugin
Though recently every theme has a default social sharing icon option. But some themes absence this feature. So install a best social media plugin and help your visitor to quickly and easily share your articles on the social media(s).
#10. Akismet- Active or Remove?
Which is better? Should you remove Akismet? or Activating Akismet plugin? 🙂 I think, you think that I’m going to mad! am I sure? Because always and all the peoples are firstly activating the Akismet plugin to make a comment spam free website. But you will amaze to know that some professional webmasters are not activating the Akismet. They delete the Akismet from their website even! Are you now amazed? Nothin to amazed. Due to making more comment and best criticism on their website they deactivate or delete the plugin. A lot of spammy and software comments are dropped on their website and they publish the comments after editing. In this way, they make an awesome most commented article on their website. And Google rank them quickly for more SEO friendly words and comments!
Thinking above 10 steps are the most helpful and important steps after installing WordPress every time on a new website or a server. Please, if this article helps you; share this on your social media profiles. If can help your webmaster friends also! Thanks for visiting Web Aid Line.
I do not fully agree about the Akismet deactivation.
Hi, I’m a niche blogger with WordPress. These recommendations and tips are very useful for the newbie WP user. Thanks for sharing the most important tips for the WP CMS.
#10 is very interesting. Have you tested this new method?
Impressive suggestions for new WordPress users.
What kind of tips is #10? please tell some more about this.
for properly using WordPress these suggestions are very important.
the description is good. the suggestion is very important.