An Android Notification App can help you for accessing your all the notifications even without unlocking pattern lock or any other kind of screen lock! such as PIN lock or Password Lock, Finger Print Lock, Slide Lock and others. Generally, in a high-quality mobile android device has a built-in option for the view and access various notification like SMS (Messages), Apps, Missed Calls, Facebook + different social media apps, Android System’s Notification, and other a lot.
But a high-quality phone such as iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy Series’s cell phones are highly expensive and these phones are out of range from our budget 🙁
As a result, we buy a normal quality android phone. These phones have low configuration parts with normal features and facilities. And this phone has no any gorgeous features.
Due to the less expensive phone, we can’t enjoy or we have deprived some excellent android features. Such as ‘Android Notification Assessing without unlocking screen lock‘ is one of them.
Today I help for the less expensive phone user who has not the notification access feature. But he wants to use this awesome and useful features 🙂
Are you search for this Android Notification App? Don’t worry about few minutes I will share the app for your benefit 🙂
Let’s go to know some more information about this app. Firstly, I want to say the name of this app. This app is known as ‘AcDisplay‘. AcDisplay is a modern Android application for notification. It will alert you to any notification (such as Massage, Missed Call, and FB etc) by a small and good designed box in directly above the lock screen!
So you can view all the notifications without unlocking your screen by one click! Are you amazed? Are you imaging really is it possible?
Yes! my friends, it is the main particularity of this Android Notification App!
Features of Android Notification App
It has an excellent screen and super fast access with a simplified user interface. Not required data connection for using or installing this app. So do not be afraid of background MegaByte eating! Also, it can access your received message and calls. After activating this app; It will save your battery charge even! Because you can see all the notification of your phone’s via this Android application without unlocking your screen! It is very simple and low sizable app. As a low sizable app, it is good and low expensive for download from the Internet 🙂
The size of this app is only 4.2 Maga Bytes. So it will not eat a huge place of your SD Card and do not reduce your RAM performance or Android system performance.
After installing Android Notification App, you will find an Active option. So you can Deactivate or Activate this app any time without uninstalling.
So I think, now you are eagerly waiting for download this app on your Android Device 🙂
Ok, here I share this app with an awesome file sharing media. You can download it now for free.
best app for notification and saving the battery charge